We experience life through the questions we ask ourselves.
Whether we are embarking on a new relationship, changing careers, starting a business, buying a house, making financial investments or balancing working from home with home schooling children, we face many questions.
That, in itself isn’t a problem. The questions aren’t the issue, in fact they are a helpful part of the process of making decisions and taking action however…..it can become a problem when we look for the answers somewhere “out there”.
In times of uncertainty we (quite naturally and understandably) seek out answers which will give us a feeling of confidence and reassurance about what is the right or best thing to do. So, we turn towards the people who we perceive to have the experience, data or wisdom that we think we lack.
And that is where it goes wrong!
We give our power over to someone else. We seek answers “out there”.
In doing so, we disempower ourselves by thinking that someone else knows more about what is best for us than we do. We diminish our capacity for creativity by following someone else’s approach. We create a dependency on others which means when things go wrong we have someone else we can blame.
I am not saying we do this consciously. That is precisely the point, we do it unconsciously.
There are many (an increasing number of) people in the world who claim to be experts or who are in positions that society has deemed expert and as a result we have essentially become programmed to seek out the “experts” when we are faced with life’s decisions and new situations. There is nothing wrong with that either.
Seeking out experts is the conscious part, but the unconscious part is that we are often in so much of a rush to get the answer and take action to solve our problem that we don’t allow our own wisdom to take a seat at the table
as well. We turn all of our attention and energy towards enacting what the experts say.
Whatever you are facing right now there are likely to be many experts you could turn to for advice or guidance. There may even be people who are telling you how to deal with your situation without you even asking them (be they public figures or closer to home in the form or friends and family).
A word of caution when anyone is telling you what you should do is that you remind yourself that you are the ONLY AND BEST expert in your life
and what is right for you. No-one else can know what will be right for you so it is about you slowing down, turning your attention inward and listening to your inner guidance.
When you are asking yourself “how do I do this?” listen inside for the answer. It will always be the best answer for you.